My friend James once said that the only person who ever looked good in Billionaire Boys Club clothes was Pharrell Williams.
Never a truer word spoken if you ask me. Mind you, if N.E.R.D's outfits in this video are all BBC, it looks like they might have toned things down at last. Oversized baby pink hoodies with dollar symbols all over them were always going to have a shelf life, after all.
This stuff looks tame in comparison.
But that doesn't hide the fact that somewhere on those garments will be located a dollar sign, or a diamond, or a spaceman. Holding an ice cream. For some reason that puts me off.
Even N.E.R.D won't persuade me otherwise.
And yes, I know I used to wear a bit of Bathing Ape on occassion, which is a sister label of BBC, but that was because of James Lavelle. And besides, BBC is far worse.

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