The reasons not to own this WTaps shemagh are legion. For one it is essentially a tablecloth. It is also cotton, and I would suspect it is not really much different to one of those shemaghs you can get from an army surplus store for a tenth of the price.
On top of that I don't even wear shemaghs. Because they give the wearer an appearance of someone with a tablecloth wrapped round their neck.
And in the case of this one, it is red.
But on the other hand this could prove a very useful piece of equipment. A ready made blanket at all times, a pillow, a groundsheet. I do believe Bear Grylls has even been known to pee on his in the desert to keep his head cool.
So useful are these things in fact, that they are standard issue for the SAS.
Good enough reason as any.
Available from The Glade.
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