So the "compulsory" fancy dress at the Halloween party on Saturday was less than welcome. That was until I remembered Donnie Darko. One of my all time favourite films, and it had a Halloween bit in it. Not only that, but Donnie was wearing a skeleton suit and a hoodie. How easy was that for a costume?
Do you know how hard it is to get a decent skeleton suit? Replicas of Donnie's go for fortunes on Ebay, but then I guess we're entering memorabilia territory there. Nevertheless, for a brief moment I considered shipping one of those suits over, until shipping times from America ruled it out. And the fact that even if you squint with one eye closed I would never pass for Donnie Darko, or even his stunt double.
So I got the next best thing. A cheap, crappy, ill fitting effort of a skeleton suit. I didn't know clothing could be made so bad, It's like they took the kids version and then added a whole chunk of material on the body. It might fit an obese midget, if he was lucky.
And that is what I will be wearing on Saturday. I'm not sure what will be more scary - the suit or the six inches of ankle I will be displaying.
Frank the rabbit had better start running now.
Following you Maison